Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cards and Dice

Premise: To make a simple game using cards and dice. This game is similar to Black Jack in that you try to get as close to a number as possible without going bust.

Rules: You have one dealer and 3 players. The dealer roles 3 6-sided dice. You add up the number and that's the target number. each player then roles 1 6-sided dice to see what number they get. The number they get is the maximum amount of cards they can get. The player can say "hit me" and take the next card or they can say "double down" and double whatever the next card is.

Base Mechanics: The player has to try to get as close to the number as possible without surpassing it. The trick is you don't have an unlimited amount of cards so you have to figure out which cards you want to double and which cards you want to play strait. If your points exceed the target number you loose and are "out". The player closest to there number or who achieves their number first wins.

Revisions: We added the ability to half your next card by saying "cut it" and it added a little more strategy.

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