Saturday, March 5, 2011

Final Project

Final - Vesuvius


Escape the eruption of mount Vesuvius alive while rescuing as many survivors as possible. The more people you save (by getting them to the boats) the more points you get. But if you take too long and die you get zero points.


2-4 ages 8 and up

Board Description:

The start of the board is close to the mouth of the volcano and the end of the board is the cities. There are 4 paths that each go to a different city.


1. Roll the dice to determine how many spaces you can forward.

2. Roll the dice to determine how many spaces the lava moves down the board.

3. There are 4 paths. Each with "pick a card" spots at different points. The cards can be good (green) or bad(red). Bad cards can either slow the player down or kill the player. If its a kill card the player must roll the die to see if they escaped the obstacle.

4. At the green survivor points on the board you had to decide weather to help the survivors. Doing so requires you to stay on that spot for one turn.

5. The player can ignore the survivors but then he doesn't get the points.

6. If the lava is getting too close the player can leave a survivor behind to move ahead 2 spaces on top of there roll, but then they loose points.

7. Players who don't make it to the harbor loose and of the ones that do make it the the one who saves the most people wins.


High Concept

High Concept

Vesuvius High Concept:

No one believed you or your friends when you said that the mountain would spew fire and destroy everything. Now you and 3 of your friends must escape the eruption of mount Vesuvius with as many survivors as you can.


Exciting and educational event cards used at specific places in the board. Got the falling rock card? or the poisons gas flow card? Roll the die to see if you survive.

Roll the die to see how many spaces the volcano has before it erupts! That's your head start. Every round roll the die to see how far the Pyroclastic flow advances.

Spacial survivor cards at specific locations are where you get your points. The longer you stay at that spot, the more people you convince to come with you. But be careful the super heated gas and ash are closing in at any moment.

The players who get to the harbor with the most survivors wins but if you linger too long you could loose everything.

Player Motivation:

The players motivation is to save the most people from the volcano while there's still time. The player to get to the boats with the most survivors wins.


Historical Fiction, Edutainment

Target Demographic:

7 - 16 year olds and up can learn about the stages of volcano eruptions and the tragedies that happened in 78 CE.


Another game that focuses only on Pompeii might be competition but this game has all 4 cities (Pompeii, Stabiae, Herculaneum, and Oplontis)and is educational.

Unique Selling Points:

Cards danger cards that can slow you down and kill off some of your survivors.

Survivor cards that give you a chance to convince people to come with you.

The ability to learn about the victims while at the same time symbolically saving them from they're fate.

Ability to chose which city you travel through. Pompeii, Stabiae, Herculaneum, and Oplontis. Each with they're own unique obstacles.

Design Goals:

To create a thrilling game where you have to move fast to manage you time and the excitement peaks as you escape just in time. Or don't...

To create a game that allows you to save people instead of illuminating competitors.

To create a game that is also educational.


Your a Roman scholar who studied the volcano's before based on the limited records they had 2000 years ago. Buts since no eruptions have been recorded in roman history everyone thinks your crazy. Until now...



Game Vesuvius

Your a Roman scholar who studied the volcano's before based on the limited records they had 2000 years ago. Buts since no eruptions have been recorded in roman history everyone thinks your crazy. You and your colleagues realize that what is happening to mount Vesuvius is consistent with ancient Babylonian text of a fire spewing mountain. They then decide to split up so they can spread the word faster. There are 4 paths each leading to a different city, Pompeii, Stabiae, Herculaneum, and Oplontis respectfully. As they get down to the cities they find mass chaos and they must gather as many survivors as they can before the pyroclastic flow reaches them.

I will turn this game into a playable and educational game that shows the stages of a volcanic eruption and details the events of the Eruption of mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

Posted by Esplin227 at 1:31 PM 0 comments

Players: 2-4

Objective: Escape the eruption of mount Vesuvius alive while rescuing as many survivors as possible. The more people you save (by getting them to the boats) the more points you get but if you take too long and die (or one of the obstacles kills you) you get zero points.

Board Description: The start of the board is close to the mouth of the volcano and the end of the board is the harbor. There are 4 paths that go down separate districts of the city.


1. Roll the dice to determine how many spaces the lava moves down the board.

2. Roll the dice to determine how many spaces you can forward.

3. There are 4 paths. Each with "pick a card" spots at different points. The cards can be good or bad. Bad cards can either slow the player down or kill the player. If its a kill card the player must roll the die to see if they escaped the obstacle.

4. At special survivor points on the board you had to decide weather to help the survivors. Doing so requires you to role the die to see how many turns it will take.

5. The player has to stay on that spot for the amount of turns the die says to get the points but each turn the lava gets closer.

6. The player can ignore the survivors but then he doesn't get the points.

7. If the lava is getting too close the player can leave a survivor behind to move ahead 2 spaces on top of there roll, but then they loose points.

8. Players who don't make it to the harbor loose and of the ones that do make it the the one who saves the most people wins.

This game is supposed to be educational and each card has a short bit of info about the victims and the science of Pompeii, Vesuvius and volcanoes in general.